The future of work
How will the future of work present itself?
How high will self-determination and heteronomy be?
The world of work is changing radically!
But fear and scepticism are not the right approaches for success.
That means the goal – besides political and social basic conditions – must be it for entrepreneurs and enterprises here with courageous steps new worlds to enter and the increasing automation as a positive organization means used to make.
But what does increasing digitalisation mean for the education and training of future service providers?
What profile and skills will pave the way for success in the future?
We assume that people are still not fully understood as an undervalued resource.
We see fertile ground if sufficient flexibility and openness are lived.
That does not mean euphoria and wishful thinking determine the conditions here, but a sense of reality for increased requirements and a dynamic mixture of safety and mobility.
In the course of the increased introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence, there will be a strong shift in production factors.
When talking about a revolution in work, the aspects of coordination, decision-making and creativity are also likely to play a central role.
We assume that the ability to react, the joy of learning and resilience should be among the outstanding characteristics to be able to keep pace in working life despite the increase in complexity and exponential technological development.
We help our clients in a world of “Too Much Information” to recognize and avoid developing dependencies and overstrain at an early stage.
We are convinced:
Besides the law of money, there is much more that makes people happy and fulfilled!